Competition: your most beautiful basketry pictures

Send us your most beautiful basketry pictures!

We will post them on our Facebook page and a selection will be printed in a future edition of Le Lien Créatif magazine.
Here is the address to send your pictures:
We’re ready to be surprised!

By sending us a picture you accept that it be published on our Facebook pages and the Le Lien Créatif website

To take part:

  • Send us your high definition (JPEG or TIFF) picture by email to, accompanied with a short descriptive description and your contact details.
  • The pictures will be published in a Facebook album « Competition: Your most beautiful basketry pictures »; and a selection will be printed in a future edition of Le Lien Créatif magazine.
  • Open to all, from 10th February to 10th April 2016
  • Free competition without obligation to purchase.



  • Competition name: « Competition: Your most beautiful basketry pictures »
  • Organisers name: Le Lien Créatif
  • Start and finish: from 10th February to 10th April 2016
  • Location: all countries.
  • Permission: Pictures sent to will be published in a Facebook album “Competition: Your most beautiful basketry pictures », and a selection will be published in a future edition of Le Lien Créatif magazine. Functioning: The pictures will be selected by the editorial team of Le Lien Créatif magazine.
  • Free competition without obligation to purchase.